
qbittorent download

“qBittorrent is a free, open-source, and lightweight BitTorrent client that offers an ad-free experience with powerful features, including built-in search, sequential downloading, and advanced control over torrents. Compatible with all major platforms.”

Windows 10 / 11

Download qBittorrent v5.0.0
 (multiple installer choice)(Additional download options)

Installer (64-bit)InfoMirrorsPGP Signature
5.0.0Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 1.2.x series.FossHubSourceForgeFossHubSourceForge
5.0.0 (qt6 lt20)Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 2.0.x series.FossHubSourceForgeFossHubSourceForge

Checksums and library versions

libtorrent-rasterbar1.2.19+git0ca20a38c9 / 2.0.11+git790b6629f6

Download nightly builds

macOS Big Sur / Monterey / Ventura / Sonoma

Download qBittorrent v5.0.0 (multiple DMG choice)

(Additional download options)

DMGInfoMirrorsPGP Signature
5.0.0Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 1.2.x series.FossHubSourceForgeFossHubSourceForge
5.0.0 (qt6 lt20)Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 2.0.x series.FossHubSourceForgeFossHubSourceForge

Checksums and library versions

libtorrent-rasterbar1.2.19+git0ca20a38c9 / 2.0.11+git790b6629f6

Download nightly builds

The macOS version is barely supported, because we don’t have active macOS developers/contributors.
The project is in need of macOS developers. If you are a macOS developer willing to help, just go to our bug tracker for a list of macOS related issues. Or try to fix bugs that you yourself have discovered and annoy you.


linux icon

Download qBittorrent v5.0.0 (multiple AppImage choice)(Additional download options)

AppImageInfoMirrorsPGP Signature
5.0.0Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 1.2.x series.FossHubSourceForgeFossHubSourceForge
5.0.0 (qt6 lt20)Uses Qt6 and libtorrent 2.0.x series.FossHubSourceForgeFossHubSourceForge

Checksums and library versions

libtorrent-rasterbar1.2.19+git0ca20a38c9 / 2.0.11+git790b6629f6

Download nightly builds

The stable AppImage is created on Ubuntu 20.04. It should work on any other similarly aged distro.
The unstable AppImage is created on Ubuntu 22.04. It should work on any other similarly aged distro.
For native packages and Ubuntu PPAs take a look at the Other Binary Packages section below.

Source Tarball

Current version: qBittorrent v5.0.0

Download link: TAR.GZ / PGP signature (SourceForge)
Download link: TAR.XZ / PGP signature (SourceForge)

Compile instructions over here.

DependencyRecommended version
libtorrent-rasterbar1.2 branch latest release
QtLatest stable release
BoostLatest stable release
OpenSSL1.1 branch latest release
zlibLatest stable release
Python (optional, runtime only)Versions later than 3.5.0

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